
I really want you, and nobody else.

Publicerad 2011-09-13 13:41:29 i The diary,

You know what i feel for you. But you can't tell me what you feel. Why is that?. It kills me inside not to know what you are thinking. Why can't you tell?. I'm not here forever I can't wait for you much longer. I need to move on if you don't feel the same. You know it won't be easy for me to let you go, but i know i maybe have to. For my own sake, I have already wasted to much time on this, on you...


Postat av: frida

Publicerad 2011-09-13 18:50:10

är galet avundsjuk på dina ögon, såååå fina! :D

Postat av: Clara

Publicerad 2011-09-14 18:53:44

fin kofta :) vart är den ifrån?

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